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Author Topic: monitoring email round trip?  (Read 1951 times)


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monitoring email round trip?
« on: December 27, 2020, 10:47:49 pm »
I run a network which includes a 200 user deployment of Microfocus (Novell) Groupwise. We have had some issues with the SMTP daemon that causes it to ignore inbound email while reporting to monitoring tools. I'd like to be able to use Nedi to report if the system was unable to receive an email that Nedi sends on a schedule. I'm looking for suggestions for the best way to accomplish this. I think I cron job on Nedi to send the email is pretty easy, I can't think of how to tell Nedi to look for it.  Perhaps I could send something from Nedi to an account with in my mail system that would respond, but how to tell Nedi to alert if it doesn't get the reply is where my inspiration runs dry.

Thanks in advance and happy holidays to everyone.

Rob A.