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Topics - nvon001

Pages: [1]
Database / API query.php syntax
« on: February 07, 2020, 08:08:28 pm »
Hello, I am hoping to get some ideas/assistance with the API access.  I am using postman and curl to get data on all devices for example, but am unable to query a specific device:
Good Query:

Bad Query"devicea_test"

I receive a ERR :400 Invalid Query.

I can use the sql queries also that gets me the specific device data.  I am not sure how to troubleshoot the API and php.  I am using Mariadb as my database engine.

Thanks for any guidance you can give me on this.

Discovery / VRF Discovery on Nexus 7k
« on: September 18, 2019, 11:58:58 pm »
Hi all, I am looking to see if anyone has figured out a way to show VRFs for Cisco Nexus 7ks.  It would be helpful when looking at the routing table of each VRF.  The only routing table I do see in Nedi right now is for the default VRF routing table.

Thanks for any input!

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