I have a couple 3850 (~40 devices running in 8 stacks) - using NeDi 1.8 they are discovered fine, but I get a status line like:
10.x.x.x frasw-closet-0E IlIx i362 j1 p1 b0 m24 Ac a4/0o0/0 f0 37/1-28s
.. so no "v#" or "FpXXX" status like I get them from other Cisco devices (older 65xx catalysts, and Nexus 7k/5k) when NeDi discovers nodes per vlan (and yes, there are vlans configured)
I wonder if somebody had success in discovering nodes attached to 3850's using SNMP v3 ?
Any hint welcome..
Best Regards,
the v3 config used on the switches is very similar to our other v3 setups:
snmp-server view readview internet included
snmp-server group readonly v3 priv read readview
snmp-server user nedi-md5-aes readonly v3 auth md5 xxxxxxxxx priv aes 128 zzzzzzzzzz
snmp-server group readonly v3 priv context vlan- match prefix read readview
also tried to give context access by vlan id, but that made no change:
snmp-server group readonly v3 priv context vlan-20 read readview
Devices are WS-C3850-48P-S, sysobjid