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Author Topic: two Cisco ASAs with same name  (Read 1794 times)


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two Cisco ASAs with same name
« on: February 12, 2018, 11:43:47 pm »
been experimenting with NeDi over a week now.  got it up and running (youtube vids came in very handy).  currently making my way thru discovery debugging and figuring it all out but i've hit a bit of a stumbling block.

i have two ASAs, a production (x.y.x.254 address) and failover (x.y.z.252 address).  seems both have the same fqdn "ciscoasa" so of course, each time one is discovered it replaces the "ciscoasa" device record with the diff IP and SN etc each time a discovery takes place.

seeings how nedi requires unique device names, is there any kind of trick i can use to have the two devices show up separately without resorting to modifying the name of the device on the ASA itself...  i'm not sure what effect that will have and don't really want to risk it.   ;D


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Re: two Cisco ASAs with same name
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2018, 02:04:23 pm »
Yes, for clusters like this you can use mapna in nedi.conf:

mapna ip1 ciscoasa1
mapna ip2 ciscoasa2
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