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Author Topic: Enterasys S3 Chassis - No Nodes (Solved, Patch included)  (Read 5528 times)


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Enterasys S3 Chassis - No Nodes (Solved, Patch included)
« on: November 17, 2015, 08:54:34 pm »
I need some guidance/help. We have a few S3 chassis from Enterasys, I've populated most of the DEF file and get interfaces, duplex, counters, vlans, modules etc. When I scan, i get almost everything except for all of the Nodes.

I've selected Q-Bridge indexed (Normal Indexed gives similar results). When I run nedi.pl with -v, I see that it finds entries.

Code: [Select]
FWDS:001f459afdd9 on ge.2.2     Vl3002  1G-FD   2       O
FWDS:001f45fb7c01 on tg.1.104   Vl0     1G-FD   1       M
FWDS:001f45e8c473 on ge.2.48    Vl0     1G-FD   3       M
FWDS:001f45a174cb on ge.1.15    Vl0     1G-FD   1       M
FWDS:005056bbd5b9 on tg.1.101   Vl110   10G-FD  48      M
FWDS:001f45a174ce on ge.1.18    Vl0     10M-HD  0       M
FWDS:001f459afdd9 on host.0.1   Vl4082  10M--   22      M
FWDS:001f45a174cd on ge.1.17    Vl0     10M-HD  0       M
FWDS:001f45e8c446 on ge.2.3     Vl0     1G-FD   1       M
FWDS:0050568200a2 on tg.1.101   Vl120   10G-FD  49      M
FWDS:252 bridge forwarding entries found

Here is a matching SNMP Walk for the last line above (0050568200a2):
Code: [Select]
SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 353

During the Write Nodes, i see 96x
Code: [Select]
LOOP:001f45e8c45b on ge.2.24 vl0 belongs to this device xxxxxxx!"
But only 10 nodes are inserted/updated.
Code: [Select]
WNOD:10 inserted, 0 nodes moved and 0 updated in nedi.nodes
Not sure where to go from here. Any help would be appreciated.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 04:49:56 am by netcultivate »


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Re: Enterasys S3 Chassis - No Nodes
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2015, 04:49:31 am »
So I found the issue, the interface mac's were being processed and flagging the interfaces as lnk 'M'. I added an extra clause to check if its an interface mac to prevent it from improperly tagging the ports on the Enterasys switches. Not sure if this is the best way to fix this, but it is working for me now.

Code: [Select]
--- libsnmp.pm.orig     2015-11-19 23:15:54.757667276 -0500
+++ libsnmp.pm  2015-11-19 22:42:08.869811416 -0500
@@ -2551,7 +2551,9 @@
                                                        $nod{$na}{$mcvl}{if} = $po;
                                                        $nod{$na}{$mcvl}{vl} = $vl;
                                                        $nod{$na}{$mcvl}{me} =  &misc::NodeMetric( $misc::portprop{$na}{$po}{spd}, $misc::portprop{$na}{$po}{dpx} );
-                                                       if( $mcst == 2 and !$misc::portprop{$na}{$po}{lnk} ){# Identify MAC links
+                                                       if($mcst == 2 and exists $misc::ifmac{$mc}){# Fix for Enterasys Switches to stop ifmacs from trigger the M flag. smartin 20151119
+                                                               &misc::Prt("DBG : Ignoring interface Mac $mc\n" ) if $main::opt{'d'};
+                                                       }elsif( $mcst == 2 and !$misc::portprop{$na}{$po}{lnk} ){# Identify MAC links
                                                                $misc::portprop{$na}{$po}{lnk} = 'M';

Code: [Select]
--- libdb.pm.orig       2015-11-19 23:11:21.916686688 -0500
+++ libdb.pm    2015-11-19 23:09:45.129693575 -0500
@@ -1649,6 +1649,8 @@
                        my $us = ($m->{$dv}{$mcvl}{us})?$dbh->quote($m->{$dv}{$mcvl}{us}):"''";
                        if( exists $misc::portprop{$dv}{$if}{lnk} and $misc::portprop{$dv}{$if}{lnk} =~ /[CDS]/ ){# Controlled AP, device or static link
                                &misc::Prt("DBG :$mc on $if vl$vl $misc::portprop{$dv}{$if}{lnk} link\n") if $main::opt{'d'};
+                       }elsif( exists $misc::ifmac{$mc} and $misc::portprop{$dv}{$if}{lnk} ne 'M' ){#Stop Interface Mac from being writen to Nodes -smartin 20151119
+                               &misc::Prt("DBG :$mc belongs to interface\n") if $main::opt{'d'};
                        }elsif( exists $misc::portprop{$dv}{$if}{lnk} and $misc::portprop{$dv}{$if}{lnk} eq 'M' ){
                                if( exists $misc::ifmac{$mc} ){
                                        my @nbr = keys %{$misc::ifmac{$mc}};
« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 05:16:30 am by netcultivate »


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Re: Enterasys S3 Chassis - No Nodes (Solved, Patch included)
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2015, 01:59:15 pm »
Tx for solving this! If I understand correctly, the switch learns its own interface MACs? The old Cisco 3500XL behaved like that as well and I thought they're the only ones...

The existing logic allows for links being discovered even without discovery protocols like CDP or LLDP.

Are those Dell models older ones?
Please consider Other-Invoices on your NeDi installation for an annual contribution, tx!


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Re: Enterasys S3 Chassis - No Nodes (Solved, Patch included)
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2018, 04:52:55 pm »
Hello Seth,

I need some guidance/help. We have a few S3 chassis from Enterasys, I've populated most of the DEF file and get interfaces, duplex, counters, vlans, modules etc. When I scan, i get almost everything except for all of the Nodes.


Code: [Select]
During the Write Nodes, i see 96x [code]LOOP:001f45e8c45b on ge.2.24 vl0 belongs to this device xxxxxxx!"
But only 10 nodes are inserted/updated.
Code: [Select]
WNOD:10 inserted, 0 nodes moved and 0 updated in nedi.nodes
Not sure where to go from here. Any help would be appreciated.


I have the same problem with Enterasys/Extreme S4 Chassis Switches.

Tried to reproduce your fix, but libsnmp.pm looks quite different nowadays  :-\

Do you have something for the "current" version 1.6.100p?

Thanks & Cheers,


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Re: Enterasys S3 Chassis - No Nodes (Solved, Patch included)
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2018, 09:11:36 am »
Hello Seth,

I need some guidance/help. We have a few S3 chassis from Enterasys, I've populated most of the DEF file and get interfaces, duplex, counters, vlans, modules etc. When I scan, i get almost everything except for all of the Nodes.


Code: [Select]
During the Write Nodes, i see 96x [code]LOOP:001f45e8c45b on ge.2.24 vl0 belongs to this device xxxxxxx!"
But only 10 nodes are inserted/updated.
Code: [Select]
WNOD:10 inserted, 0 nodes moved and 0 updated in nedi.nodes
Not sure where to go from here. Any help would be appreciated.


I have the same problem with Enterasys/Extreme S4 Chassis Switches.

Tried to reproduce your fix, but libsnmp.pm looks quite different nowadays  :-\

Do you have something for the "current" version 1.6.100p?

Thanks & Cheers,

Fixed: https://forum.nedi.ch/index.php?topic=2156.msg8660#msg8660