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Author Topic: Active Directory authentication  (Read 13602 times)


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Re: Active Directory authentication
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2022, 02:32:13 pm »
# Authentication for GUI users can be set to:
# local, sso, pam, radius, ldap or none
# Append -pass to use the session user (entering pw each time) for device access (e.g. in Devices-Write)
# Add 2nd argument with ldap or radius to assign groups to users which don't exist within NeDi (disabled if empty, minimal access with "usr,")
# Be aware that ldap or radius may have problems with passwords containing language specific special characters
# All groups: net, oth, mgr, dsk, mon, adm, mnt
guiauth      ldap   usr,net,dsk,oth,mon,mgr,mnt

# Set Ldapserver parameters, if selected above:
#      host               port           rootpw      basedn         rootdn                        loginattr           Optional_group
ldapsrv   ldaps://ldap.acme.com   636      PASSWORD   DC=acme,DC=com   CN=USERNAME,OU=users,DC=acme,DC=com   cn         GROUP

The PASSWORD and USERNAME must be a user who can read the LDAP-directory
GROUP is AD-group filled with user that will be permitted to login to NeDi
"basedn" is set to where users/groups are in the ldap tree, could be close to the root of tree
"rootdn" full ldap path to USERNAME

"guiauth" sets the groups within NeDi the ldap-verified-users will belong to

This is how I think it works (works for me)   ;)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2022, 07:44:55 am by dohco »