it seems to be something wrong when Nedi discover autonomous Cisco APs. APs that is not controlled by WLCs.
I get the following event message "No-SNMP neighbor xxxxx exists as SNMP device in xxxxxx".
I think the problem is becouse of this in
my $nosdef = 'IP\s(Phone|Telephone)|^KX-NT55|^MITEL|^Mitel|Cisco ATA|Polycom VVX|SVSi encoder|AIR-[CL]?AP|cisco C\d+AXI|Cisco AP Software|ArubaOS|^AP-\d+|AP(\s|_)Controlled|Huawei AP|Hotzone Wireless AP';# AP- -> Wing TODO add version to avoid false matches?
We have changed the code to this
my $nosdef = 'IP\s(Phone|Telephone)|^KX-NT55|^MITEL|^Mitel|Cisco ATA|Polycom VVX|SVSi encoder|AIR-[CL]AP|cisco C\d+AXI|Cisco AP Software|ArubaOS|^AP-\d+|AP(\s|_)Controlled|Huawei AP|Hotzone Wireless AP';# AP- -> Wing TODO add version to avoid false matches?
Now we get a match on LAPxxx and CAPxxx and Nedi sees the AP as an AP controlled by a controller , when its APxxx and Nedi sees as an autonomous AP.