Thanks for the tip !
Find the attached File for Mellanox MSN2100.
You also need to add to /var/nedi/inc/
$cmd{'ONYX'}{'ropr'} = '(.+?)>\s?$';
$cmd{'ONYX'}{'enpr'} = '(.+?)#\s?$';
$cmd{'ONYX'}{'enab'} = 'enable';
$cmd{'ONYX'}{'page'} = 'terminal length 998';
$cmd{'ONYX'}{'shru'} = 'show running-config';
$cmd{'ONYX'}{'cfto'} = 20;
$cmd{'ONYX'}{'cfst'} = '.';
$cmd{'ONYX'}{'cfen'} = 'cli default prefix-modes enable';
$cmd{'ONYX'}{'erm'} = 'invalid input|Unknown | failed|Incorrect usage';
and Patch /var/nedi/html/Other-Defed.php or Other-Defgen.php
so that it looks like this :
<option value="Maipu"<?= ($os == "Maipu")?" selected":"" ?>>Maipu
<option value="">--------
<option value="ONYX"<?= ($os == "ONYX")?" selected":"" ?>>Mellanox ONYX
<option value="">--------
<option value="Omnipath"<?= ($os == "Omnipath")?" selected":"" ?>>Omnipath
Than you can Select ONYX as OS in Defed.
i´m Still struggeling with the SSH Timeouts. The Mellanox Switches take about 5 Sek after sending "sh running" until they respond with the Config.
This sometimes works, but most of the Time it does not work. In Case of Failure i see in /TMP/IPofDevice-output.log the following
CLI8:Matched enable prompt, OK
DBG :CMD=terminal length 998 ERR=invalid input|Unknown | failed|Incorrect usage
CMDR:terminal length 998 result is OK
DBG :CMD=show running-config ERR=invalid input|Unknown | failed|Incorrect usage
CMDR:show running-config result is OK
ERR :No config ()[/b][/b]
DBG :Elevate=1 Min=0 Mode=B Notify=abcdefijlmnopstw
EVNT:MOD=B/1 L=150 CL=cfge TGT=MLNX-TEST MSG=Config backup error: 0
So it Seems that the Switch does not send Config. or Config is not detected.
And it´s ugly, that Mellanos does not Support "TERM LEN 0" only "Term Len 999"
Still going down the Road ! NEDI ROCKS !