Hi Remo. It would be helpful if the comments for ignoredesc were more specific. For example, what desc is it looking for? lldp desc? I don't think CDP has a description field. Many of the lldp description fields devices report are generic such as 'Linux', but sometimes they're more specific.
For nosnmpdev, since I'm using that apparently "discovery protocol description" allows for using what CDP reports as 'Device ID', yet it would seem to also support CDP 'platform ID' since my regexp for that has one of each in it: AIR-([CL]|A)P|^S[EI]P
Also, does a match for nosnmpdev "not discover" as with ignoredesc? Not trying to get metaphysical here but since nedi is so uber flexible, sometimes I'm not sure what 'not discover' actually means. Does it mean not put it in the DB or put it in the DB but do nothing else with it? For nosnmpdev I know it means the latter. For ignoredesc I'm not sure.