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Author Topic: Nedi cant scan Juniper SRX and QFX  (Read 1338 times)


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Nedi cant scan Juniper SRX and QFX
« on: April 28, 2022, 07:19:07 am »

We have issues with Juniper Routers and L3 switches with the latest version.

The output after trying to scan Juniper L3 switch is:
Network Discovery (2.1.071) /var/nedi/nedi.pl -pr3 -SGg -a192.168.1.1
Started with 1 seed at Thu Apr 28 08:10:34 2022
Device            Status            Todo/Done-Time
===============================================================================  Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /var/nedi/inc/libsnmp.pm line 135.
IP of ID belongs to nosnmpdev CoreSW       0/0-0s
Nothing discovered, nothing written...
Took 0 minutes

Do you have any solution?

Also for the Juniper router the output is:

Network Discovery (2.1.071) /var/nedi/nedi.pl -pr3 -SGg -a192.168.1.254
Started with 1 seed at Thu Apr 28 08:15:02 2022
Device            Status            Todo/Done-Time
=============================================================================== SNMP failed          0/0-8s
Nothing discovered, nothing written...
Took 0 minutes

Could you please help to resolve these issues do you have any solution?

The router is SRX1500.
The L3 switch is QFX5110-48S-4C.

Thank you in advance.
Best Regards.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2022, 07:25:07 am by Taner_Rasim »


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Re: Nedi cant scan Juniper SRX and QFX
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2022, 09:29:46 am »
My colleague identified this reason for QFX L3 switches:

if( exists $misc::seedini{$ip} ){
if( exists $misc::seedini{$ip}{dv} ){ # Use DB version & community for this IP
if( $misc::seedini{$ip}{dv} > 0 ){
unless( $main::opt{'C'} or $main::opt{'R'} or $main::opt{'V'} ){ # Retry read access ignores DB values
$defver = $misc::seedini{$ip}{dv};
$trycomms[0] = $misc::seedini{$ip}{dc} if $misc::seedini{$ip}{dc};
if( $main::opt{a} or $main::opt{A} ){ # Retain mappings from seedlist, if discovered otherwise
$misc::map{$ip}{na} = $misc::seedini{$ip}{dn} if substr($main::dev{$misc::seedini{$ip}{dn}}{opt},4,1) eq 'm' and !exists $misc::map{$ip}{na};
$misc::map{$ip}{co} = $main::dev{$misc::seedini{$ip}{dn}}{co} if substr($main::dev{$misc::seedini{$ip}{dn}}{opt},5,1) eq 'm' and !exists $misc::map{$ip}{co};
$misc::map{$ip}{lo} = $main::dev{$misc::seedini{$ip}{dn}}{lo} if substr($main::dev{$misc::seedini{$ip}{dn}}{opt},6,1) eq 'm' and !exists $misc::map{$ip}{lo};
}elsif( $misc::seedini{$ip}{dm} !~ /^1[78]$/ ){ # Only REST & 'other' devices can be overwritten
mon::Event('d',100,'nedq',$id,'',"IP $ip belongs to nosnmpdev $misc::seedini{$ip}{dn}, not replacing");
misc::Prt('',"IP of ID $id belongs to nosnmpdev $misc::seedini{$ip}{dn}\t");
return '';
}elsif( exists $misc::seedini{$ip}{rc} and $misc::seedini{$ip}{rc} ){ # Use seed community for this IP
$trycomms[0] = $misc::seedini{$ip}{rc};

Do you have any idea how to fix it?