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Author Topic: Proxy option in nedi.conf does not work?  (Read 1271 times)


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Proxy option in nedi.conf does not work?
« on: August 11, 2021, 04:22:58 pm »
Where i test nedi we have to use a proxy server to access resources on the internet. I noticed in nedi.conf a proxy setting for external internet services like the open street map access. So i enabled this option in nedi.conf by using the fqdn and port as mentioned in the example. I also removed the ";". But when i for example go to Assets -> Loced  and try to use the Geo Name function for a location it times out. I noticed with tcpdump on the nedi server it is trying to access the internet directly instead of using the proxy.

Did anyone else run into this? And were you able to fix it?

Thanks in advance!