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Management / Re: Dynamic Ansible inventory from NeDi
« Last post by rickli on March 23, 2023, 10:05:55 am »
cool beans ;)
GUI / Re: Any plans to replace RRD?
« Last post by rickli on March 23, 2023, 10:05:01 am »
No plans so far. They're still doing a good job! Plus there are plenty of other tools using Grafana et al...
GUI / Re: CLI write
« Last post by rickli on March 23, 2023, 10:03:24 am »
Sorry for the late answer. Try command;y;0
Discovery / Re: snmpdev
« Last post by rickli on March 23, 2023, 09:59:23 am »
Is that part of the device type or description? If so, it really should work unless it doesn't match that.
GUI / Any plans to replace RRD?
« Last post by sergrok on March 20, 2023, 07:43:58 am »

@rickli , do you have any plans to replace the RRD graphs with something more modern? For example VictoriaMetrics(Prometheus)+Grafana
It will also help to become NeDi as a stateless application on k8s (without storing local rrd files)
Installation / Re: Radius Login not working 2.2.22
« Last post by MPell on March 17, 2023, 10:10:53 pm »

no solution but maybe an explanation: in PHP8 (and possibly also in 7.4) the radius module is missing. I have the same problem after upgrading the NeDi installation from ubuntu server LTS 18.04 to LTS 22.04. I came across that this module obviously is no longer available in the higher PHP versions.

Under PHP 7.2 there were ini-Files with regard to the extension radius.so in the etc/php/7.2/fpm/conf.d directory and in the mods-available path of the PHP version. The ini-files are now missing in these directories.

I did no further investigation on that since.

Unfortunately, at the moment I just don't know if and how the module could be loaded and installed afterwards.

Best regards, Markus
Discovery / Parameter for SNMPv3 with SHA256 and AES
« Last post by MPell on March 17, 2023, 06:41:06 pm »
Dear Nedi community,

after a system update, a network device only supports SNMPv3 with SHA256 or SHA512 for authentication and DES, AES or AES256 as privacy protocol. (Before I used MD5 and AES). So I have to change the Authentication Protocol. The test-query via snmpget on the Linux console works (in my examlpe for SHA256 and AES). How can I use the tightened security parameters in NeDi? I tried "sha256" for aprot:
Code: [Select]
comm snmpv3user sha256 authpass aes privpass
The error message on discovery is:
Code: [Select]
MSG=SNMP failed with The authProtocol "sha256" is unknown
Does anyone know the right hint?

I use ubuntu LTS22.04 Server and NeDi 2.2C

Thanks Markus
Installation / Radius Login not working 2.2.22
« Last post by Westy_87 on March 17, 2023, 03:59:24 am »
Hi there,

We were running 1.9 on Ubuntu 18.05 LTS with PHP 7.2.

Rather than upgrade to 2.2 my colleague created a new VM and installed 2.2.22 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with PHP 8.1.

Everything seemed to be working well and we were running off just a local user to get it all going again. I enabled radius auth for the new server and a local user matching my AD account with all privs as we did in 1.9

When I go to log in, it just ends up with a blank screen (firefox) or (in Edge) 'HTTP Error 500' ' can't currently handle this request'.

I saw another post here where you say PHP 8 won't be supported until NeDi 2.3 so I downgraded to 7.4 with no change. (Reverted snapshot to PHP 8.1 after)

Inspecting the login request in Firefox shows the attached.

Assistance to solve this would be appreciated :)

Management / Re: Dynamic Ansible inventory from NeDi
« Last post by Westy_87 on March 17, 2023, 12:37:04 am »
Oh and I got this working pretty easily with Python.

My python code queries the nedi database and extracts the list of switches and their management IP. Then I do some magic with it and output in format for the Ansible hosts file.

I also have one that generates a .ini file for a list of hosts in MobaXterm to easily SSH to a switch.

Let me know if you would want a copy of my python code. I'd give you a github link but I haven't got around to using github yet. I'm a programming hack!
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