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GUI / Scheduled Emailing of Reports
« Last post by Westy_87 on July 10, 2023, 04:06:50 am »
Good Morning,

We recently implemented a script that moves inactive ports into a suspended vlan 999.

I am now manually checking each day to see if any have become active (i.e. someone plugged into them)

SELECT device,ifname,alias,speed,duplex,pvid FROM interfaces WHERE PVID = 999 AND IFSTAT = 3

How would I go about getting this sent as an email once per day at a specified time?
General Topics / Re: Demo
« Last post by cornua on June 22, 2023, 10:51:24 pm »

A bit late, but thanks for the reply..
I have used nedi for long time in the past and I was looking for a quick showcase to my current co-workers. I'll just deploy it on a vm, update the vty acl of a few devices and that'll do it.

Discovery / Re: Bug in 2.2 ?
« Last post by rickli on June 08, 2023, 10:23:32 am »
The libsnmp.pm line 1490 (1515 in version 2.2) changed somewhat. But even with Meld I cannot figure out what that was. Is your issue fixed, if you copy the one from 2.1 over?
General Topics / Re: Demo
« Last post by rickli on June 08, 2023, 09:41:44 am »
Yeh, I decomissioned it a while ago. Try nebuntu.sh instead. You'll also get to play with real network data (yours)...
General Topics / Demo
« Last post by cornua on June 02, 2023, 08:40:34 pm »

It might've been a while since, but weren't there an online Demo at some point?
I am looking for the link, if it's still available that is..

Discovery / Re: no interface colors on Device-Status-page
« Last post by miraculiks on May 24, 2023, 10:33:16 am »
I inserted it in devices-status.php and it works fine again. Thanks very much!
Discovery / Re: Bug in 2.2 ?
« Last post by sjobergh on May 21, 2023, 03:47:12 am »
Well it seems like we dont have any solution for IOS-XE in version 2.2....
And I have discovered that NeDi cant handle Cisco FPR 1150 in ASA mode either,  same thing with that one,  Interfaces is not handled at all,  cant see them.
Discovery / Re: Bug in 2.2 ?
« Last post by sjobergh on May 15, 2023, 12:12:48 am »
Installation / Re: Radius Login not working 2.2.22
« Last post by rickli on May 12, 2023, 01:06:06 pm »
Try php-dapphp-radius instead...
Discovery / Re: no interface colors on Device-Status-page
« Last post by rickli on May 10, 2023, 10:20:26 am »
Set  snmp_set_enum_print to 1 around line 1495:

I can't post the exact call, as the forum won't permit code :-(
Apparently some systems behave differently than others...
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