GUI / Scheduled Emailing of Reports
« Last post by Westy_87 on July 10, 2023, 04:06:50 am »Good Morning,
We recently implemented a script that moves inactive ports into a suspended vlan 999.
I am now manually checking each day to see if any have become active (i.e. someone plugged into them)
SELECT device,ifname,alias,speed,duplex,pvid FROM interfaces WHERE PVID = 999 AND IFSTAT = 3
How would I go about getting this sent as an email once per day at a specified time?
We recently implemented a script that moves inactive ports into a suspended vlan 999.
I am now manually checking each day to see if any have become active (i.e. someone plugged into them)
SELECT device,ifname,alias,speed,duplex,pvid FROM interfaces WHERE PVID = 999 AND IFSTAT = 3
How would I go about getting this sent as an email once per day at a specified time?