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General Topics / Re: meaning of LLDH and LLDD?
« Last post by rickli on September 25, 2023, 11:05:14 am »
I'm using the the last letter to provide more info on the neighbor where as D is a generic device, P a printer and H a hypervisor. Upon the first discovery the ESXi was not known as such and was later properly identified perhaps?
GUI / Re: Scheduled Emailing of Reports
« Last post by rickli on September 25, 2023, 11:02:56 am »
I'd do a bash script which emails the result as text. I never bothered with automated GUI reports...
GUI / Re: Length of the device name
« Last post by rickli on September 25, 2023, 11:01:18 am »
The DB field itself is 64 characters. The wdith of the displayed name in the GUI can be adjusted in User-Profile with Name Size (abc icon). The max. there is 31, which I still think is enough. I did that to avoid long names cluttering the GUI. But it might need some new defaults in the age of 4k displays ;-)
GUI / Length of the device name
« Last post by ukmuenster on September 20, 2023, 09:26:30 am »

When I call up the device status, I see the PoE load in the overview. Unfortunately, the field for the device name seems to be limited to 15 characters, which is clearly not enough. Does anyone know how or where I can adjust this?


General Topics / meaning of LLDH and LLDD?
« Last post by padawan on August 24, 2023, 03:54:08 pm »
Hi Forum,

does anybody know what the meaning of this warning message in NEDI is?

D5 (ESXi) changed type from LLDH to LLDD
D5 (ESXi) changed type from LLDD to LLDH

I found it in "Monitoring -> Events" and Google didn't help me.

Thank you for your help.
Discovery / Re: fping to a network, no output on NEDI GUI
« Last post by rickli on August 15, 2023, 10:11:38 am »
Works here. Is fping in the path of the web server user?
Installation / Re: Backup configs of network devices automatically
« Last post by rickli on August 15, 2023, 10:04:42 am »
Look at the crontab example from the distribution (e.g. with System-Files):

#0 0    * * *   /var/nedi/nedi.pl -B5 -Aall -SAF > /var/log/nedi/nedi-00.bup 2>&1

This backs up the configs of all devices and keeps the last 5 versions as files...
Discovery / fping to a network, no output on NEDI GUI
« Last post by networkbo on August 11, 2023, 09:33:09 am »
Dear all,
today I searched for a way to do a network scan with NeDi.
I found that I could use Nodes Toolbox ping, but I see that I don't obtain any output in Nedi GUI, while I obtain it by SSH connection.
I use NeDi 2.1.071.
Any advice?
Installation / Re: Backup configs of network devices automatically
« Last post by masterblaster on August 10, 2023, 09:35:20 am »
Which method / tool are YOU using to make the backup of the device configurations?
Installation / Backup configs of network devices automatically
« Last post by masterblaster on August 07, 2023, 10:23:17 am »

does someone know, if there's a way to backup the configuration of cisco network devices (mainly switches & router) automatically on Nedi? If possible by a default way that Nedi offers -> so maybe by setting correspondig values on certain parameters within nedi.conf, or directly via the webinterface or something.
So far as I know, there only seems to be a way, with which you can backup the configs manually.

Currently we use Nedi version 2.2.22 on a debian vm.

Thx a lot in advance :)

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