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Installation / Re: Radius Login not working 2.2.22
« Last post by rickli on December 13, 2023, 12:02:56 pm »
Are you using PHP8? They've removed PHP-radius altogether and you have to find an unofficial package or revert to PHP7.4...
Installation / Re: Backup of Netgear GS110TPv3?
« Last post by rickli on December 13, 2023, 12:01:06 pm »
Did you add config start match as well?

$cmd{'IOS-rtr'}{'cfst'} = '^Current';

You can simply use '.' to match anything returned after the show command...
Installation / Re: Radius Login not working 2.2.22
« Last post by tsgruu on December 11, 2023, 12:28:03 pm »
Any updates?
Im gettin the same error 'HTTP Error 500' ' can't currently handle this request'.

Is there like any documentation/instruction how to configure radius as web auth?
General Topics / Re: meaning of LLDH and LLDD?
« Last post by JollyRodger on November 28, 2023, 09:20:57 am »
Is there a list of all letters and their meaning in any documentation? I am currently writing a script to read links and their types, so I have an entire list of different letter combinations and no clue what they represent.
Thanks in advance  :)
Discovery / Slow discovery process on "already done" devices
« Last post by masterblaster on November 23, 2023, 02:17:38 pm »

We're facing some operational challenges with our NeDi setup (version 2.2.22) running on a Debian VM.
While the system mostly works, we've encountered issues, especially with the long duration of the discovery process. Notably, for devices NeDi marks as "done already," the process for that decision takes about 8 seconds, which is unusual given our nedi.conf timeout setting of 2 seconds. Reducing this setting to 1 second hasn't helped much; it still takes around 4 seconds.

In comparison, our older NeDi server, which we plan to replace, doesn't have these issues. Its discovery decision time is just 1 second, even with a timeout setting of 5 seconds

Both servers are on the same network and there seems to be no obvious differences in their nedi.conf files that could explain the newer server's slower performance. I'm not a NeDi expert though, so I might be missing something.
Additionally, the issue is unlikely to be related to hardware resources, as the VM hosting the new NeDi server has the same CPU capacity and double the RAM compared to the older one.

Could anyone offer insights or suggestions to improve our NeDi configuration's performance?

Thanks for your help and advice.

Installation / Re: Backup of Netgear GS110TPv3?
« Last post by padawan on November 22, 2023, 03:55:47 pm »
I did a bit of research and found out that the manufacturer can be found using snmpwalk.

iso. = STRING: "Netgear"

As soon as this manufacturer is stored for the table devices in the MySQL database for that device and the file


is extended by the following line

$cmd{'Netgear'}{'more'} = '--More--';

the config is at least read (but not yet saved).

Creating a backup with
sudo -u www-data /var/nedi/nedi.pl -v -kK -B0 -P1 -L"admin;2" -SAFGgadobewitjumpsvx -a"IPaddress"

looks like that now:

WAIT:show run
WAIT:! Model: GS110TPv3

If anybody can help, it would be great.
Installation / Backup of Netgear GS110TPv3?
« Last post by padawan on November 22, 2023, 02:12:27 pm »
Hello Community,

does anybody know how to backup a Netgear GS110TPv3 with nedi?
This switch has a CLI and is accessable through ssh.

I get the following message while trying to make a backup:

root@mgmt-nedi:/var/nedi# sudo -u www-data /var/nedi/nedi.pl -v -kK -B0 -P1 -L"admin;2" -SAFGgadobewitjumpsvx -a"IP address"
Prepare (CLI)  ----------------------------------------------------------------  Wed Nov 22 12:44:09 2023
PREP:Unknown OS other (mode shru)

Write Device Info -------------------------------------------------------------  Wed Nov 22 12:44:09 2023
WDEV:Netgear-G012 written to nedi.devices

The information about this switch is here: https://www.netgear.de/support/product/gs110tpv3#docs

It is a nice littel POE+ Switch with many features. Maybe someone else is already using Nedi with this device.
"show running config" is working as expected.

Any assistance to solve this would be appreciated

Best regards
Discovery / Re: Interface Last Change
« Last post by kai on October 16, 2023, 01:06:51 pm »
Thanks rickli
Discovery / Re: Interface Last Change
« Last post by rickli on October 16, 2023, 11:19:20 am »
The one in Devices-Status is read via SNMP in realtime and is subject to the uptime overflow every 1.3 years. The one in Devices-Interfaces is calculated during the discovery and should be accurate, even if the device is rebooted...
Discovery / Interface Last Change
« Last post by kai on October 06, 2023, 10:07:22 am »

I try to find out unused interfaces and I see differences in Lastchange field of Interface-List and Device-Status page.
The values in the Device-Staus page looks correct but is not good for analyse.
What is the idea behind?

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