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GUI / Topology route trace
« Last post by networkbo on March 06, 2025, 10:02:25 am »
Hi all, should Trace feature in Topology route page work? I always obtain "not found!", what should I search to understand if something is missing or it's a bug?

I'm running NeDi 2.4.024.
Management / Re: Has anyone been able to or attempt integration with netbox?
« Last post by sergrok on February 28, 2025, 02:31:09 pm »
Hi, primethios

 Our team has made such an integration between NeDi and netbox. It's a python script that stored and run inside netbox. This thing is very "hardcoded" for our environment and unfortunately I can't share it due to our policy :(  In our case netbox is the "source of truth" and nedi is additional source of factual information. The script checks differences between netbox and nedi and tells us if we have new devices that are not yet added to netbox or if we have mismatches in things like device name, vlans, interfaces IPs, etc.
The script gets the data from nedi via sql queries to nedi database e.g.:
sql_all_routers = "SELECT device,inet_ntoa(devip),type FROM public.devices WHERE snmpversion>0 AND lastdis>extract(epoch from (now() - INTERVAL '2 DAYS')) AND vendor='Cisco' AND services=78 AND type NOT LIKE 'WS-%'"
sql_all_switches = "SELECT device,inet_ntoa(devip),type FROM public.devices WHERE snmpversion>0 AND lastdis>extract(epoch from (now() - INTERVAL '2 DAYS')) AND vendor='Cisco' AND type LIKE 'WS-%'"
Discovery / Re: FortiSwitch definition?
« Last post by primethios on February 19, 2025, 03:17:29 am »
I can't say I have ever seen a Fortinet in the wild and I have been working in network specific roles for going on 25 years, but there are a ton of manufacturers out there that provide what you need for the price you want to pay and if you lean towards the marketing side or the physical specs (execs love to hear things like one switch is more security minded than another which is one of Fortinets sales points).  That being said I have numerous customers running Zyxel gear which many other people have never heard of or seen in deployment and I have made them work in NeDi but it took some effort such as using the the "Test OID" slot in defgen and working my way through SNMP walk lower and lower to the base of the OID until I see the data I am looking for, which is more often than not the MAC table in order to see the population reports.  I have had to even go through this with various Cisco switches over the years.  The other thing you can try is downloading the Fortinet MIB file and use a MIB browser to dig about and find the info.  I have used paessler SNMP Tester in the past to pull some of this data
Discovery / Re: FortiSwitch definition?
« Last post by nykjell on February 18, 2025, 07:43:03 am »

Nobody using Fortiswitches and NeDi?
We still miss the forwarding/MAC-address table.  :(
Any hint to solve it would be great.

Best regards,
Management / Has anyone been able to or attempt integration with netbox?
« Last post by primethios on February 18, 2025, 05:12:12 am »
While trying to show a site NeDi, the new owners and leadership had someone decide they want netbox as the "source of truth".  Personally I hate setting up netbox and a fair chunk of what people are using it for I can do with NeDi but I can see a few ways NeDi could compliment netbox and maybe there are some uses I haven't thought of.  So I figured maybe someone on the forum may have been down this path either by choice or by force.  One thing I still struggle with after 10+ years of using NeDi is that I am not a programmer so I don't know how to customize, much less create API calls and such that I know many of you do.  I am a simple network guy and NeDi is my way to discover networks, hidden devices, etc and create inventory reports when manager types ask for random data like "how many of these" "are we running mismatched IOS" and such.  I am between contracts right now so I have the time to testbed and such if someone is able to point me in the right direction.  Plus it would be interesting to hear how you may be making use of such an integration.
Discovery / Re: strange nodes distribution on some access ports
« Last post by primethios on February 18, 2025, 04:53:14 am »
This may sound stupid but, do you use IP phones?  I was recently on a contract at a large industrial site (hundreds of buildings, thousands of devices) and was seeing crazy amounts of mac addresses showing up on edge ports.  What I found was that recently various desktop switches were "upgraded" but they chose to not replace with POE capable switches which killed the phone in those offices so they plugged the phone into the uplink port to get POE and then plugged the desktop switch into the "PC port" of the phone which caused some crazy mac tables.  After this I also found areas where phones were deployed with POE injectors or just regular power supplies and then someone mixed up and ran the uplink from the PC port of the phone.  I even caught one of my peers (another Sr. Network engineer mind you) with the same issue at his desk as he was building a test bed in his office.  So effectively it can replicate the same type issues as an undocumented/misconfigured/unmanaged switch connected to the network since the PC ports on phones (these were Cisco desk phones in this situation).  CDP and LLDP info helped me determine some of this remotely but more than likely you will likely need to physically investigate the "device" on the far end of the cable.  It may take some electronic legwork but looking at CDP/LLDP info, mac vendor lookup, etc you might get a view of what may be the source device of oddness.
GUI / hi-res device icons for map export
« Last post by rickli on January 30, 2025, 10:05:00 am »
Someone asked for hi-res device icons for map export last week, but the post is deleted now. Sad because that would have been a cool feature!

Unfortunately the VRT website, where I got the new device icons from is not working anymore...
Database / Re: Changing device name
« Last post by rickli on December 23, 2024, 11:12:57 am »
Since the device name is the primary key, yes that should work. Sorry for the restrictive and cumbersome security here...
Database / Changing device name
« Last post by Westy_87 on December 18, 2024, 12:13:16 am »
When we change a switch hostname (production plant, things get moved around a bit...), nedi discovers it as a whole new device and we lose the history of that device.

Can we avoid this by changing the switch hostname ('device' field) in the relevant database tables before doing a new discovery? I did try and post the code but it gets blocked by your website security policy.
Installation / Re: NeDi release notes
« Last post by rickli on December 04, 2024, 10:24:15 am »
Every release contains a Readme.txt in html/log (to be displayed automatically after updating with System-Files)
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