Hi, primethios
Our team has made such an integration between NeDi and netbox. It's a python script that stored and run inside netbox. This thing is very "hardcoded" for our environment and unfortunately I can't share it due to our policy

In our case netbox is the "source of truth" and nedi is additional source of factual information. The script checks differences between netbox and nedi and tells us if we have new devices that are not yet added to netbox or if we have mismatches in things like device name, vlans, interfaces IPs, etc.
The script gets the data from nedi via sql queries to nedi database e.g.:
sql_all_routers = "SELECT device,inet_ntoa(devip),type FROM public.devices WHERE snmpversion>0 AND lastdis>extract(epoch from (now() - INTERVAL '2 DAYS')) AND vendor='Cisco' AND services=78 AND type NOT LIKE 'WS-%'"
sql_all_switches = "SELECT device,inet_ntoa(devip),type FROM public.devices WHERE snmpversion>0 AND lastdis>extract(epoch from (now() - INTERVAL '2 DAYS')) AND vendor='Cisco' AND type LIKE 'WS-%'"