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Messages - mvitale

Pages: [1]
Installation / Radius Web Authentication - Assign Groups
« on: July 08, 2022, 11:32:46 am »
Dear NeDi Community,

i've set up NeDi with radius authentication, and right now every user authenticated via radius has the same Nedi groups assigned (the ones written near "guiauth" in the nedi.conf file).
Is it possible to choose which nedi groups assign to different user based on the Network policy running on the radius server?


[The only workaround i found is creating a local user in the NeDi web page with the same name of the Active Directory user and then assign the groups.]

Discovery / Last configuration change
« on: June 13, 2022, 11:43:23 am »
Dear NeDi Community,

I have attached a screenshot from an older version of NeDi (1.7), how can i able those device configuration changes information?
I'm currently using NeDi Version 2.1.071.

Pages: [1]