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Messages - ageldenberg

Pages: [1]
Discovery / Re: Direct update MAC to IP address mapping
« on: March 11, 2019, 08:30:30 pm »

Thanks a lot for your comment.  If you can give me a sample of a sql command to update the table you mention, it would be great.


Alek Geldenberg

Discovery / Direct update MAC to IP address mapping
« on: March 11, 2019, 08:02:32 pm »
Hello, NeDi gurus

Is there a way to update IP address of a specific MAC address directly in the database from a command line?

I may be able to use APIs to receive device information from Meraki cloud controller.  I can then use that information to update NeDi database with MAC-to-IP address mappings, if it is possible.

I will greatly appreciate your help.

Discovery / Re: Discovery of IP addresses of connected Nodes
« on: March 11, 2019, 01:45:16 pm »
In some cases the ARP tables are on Palo Alto firewalls.  Does anyone know how to get those into NeDi?  Is there a way to do it via SSH?

Thank you!

Discovery / Re: Discovery of IP addresses of connected Nodes
« on: March 07, 2019, 03:11:31 pm »

I believe you are correct.  The switches where IP addresses are not discovered are Layer2 switches.  Now, what can I do with those?  I do not know the inner working of NeDi.  To my mind it should use the ARP tables from the Layer3 switches and populate Layer2 switches with IP addresses.

I hope someone figured out how to find IP addresses of the devices connected to Layer2 switches.

Definition Files / Re: assistance with Palo Alto .def files
« on: March 07, 2019, 05:17:21 am »

Have you figured out how to properly define .def files for Palo Alto devices?  Could you post them here?

Also, did you manage to figure out how to populate IP addresses of nodes connected to the devices.

Thank you very much.

Discovery / Discovery of IP addresses of connected Nodes
« on: March 07, 2019, 04:42:20 am »
Hello, NeDi gurus

I have a bunch of Cisco switches where I can see proper MAC addresses of connected nodes but no IP addresses.  Could you point me to the information on how those IP addresses can be discovered.  Do I need to tweak .def files or there are some other tricks.  I read that there is a way to populate MAC addresses from ARP tables via SSH.  How can I incorporate it into NeDi configuration?

Thanks a lot!

Discovery / Re: Support of Meraki Switches
« on: March 07, 2019, 04:32:52 am »

My NeDi installation could not get information about connected nodes from Meraki switches.  I tweaked a bit with defgen and as a result, with the following .def files, the MAC addresses of connected nodes are populated now.  However, most of the time the IP addresses are not displayed, so, my guess, the files need further work.  I will greatly appreciate any help.

Discovery / Re: Support of Meraki Switches
« on: March 05, 2019, 07:37:56 pm »
NeDi Gurus,

Could any of yo help me creating the .def file from the attached snmpwalk outputs (snmpwalk_meraki.txt - with translated OIDs and snmpwalk_meraki2.txt - with non-translated OIDs)?

I tried to do it via defgen screen, but it did not work.  I am trying to build it by comparing the structure of existing .def files with the outputs of snmpwalk. 

However, in the structure of .def file I did not find how to define OIDs to look for MAC addresses of connected devices. 

In the attached files the connected devices can be found by polling following OIDs:

. = STRING: 0:4:f2:f2:b:1
. = STRING: 0:1b:17:0:23:10
. = STRING: 0:1b:17:0:23:12
. = STRING: 0:72:78:df:a:73
. = STRING: 0:72:78:df:3c:8c
. = STRING: 28:29:86:a:c6:6
. = STRING: 34:56:fe:1c:69:70
. = STRING: 34:56:fe:1c:69:a3
. = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:47:47
. = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:48:70
. = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:4d:59
. = STRING: 70:b:4f:7a:5:10
. = STRING: e0:cb:bc:34:e:99
. = STRING: e8:98:6d:3:16:0
. = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:0
. = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:10
. = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:12

As you can see the OIDs are constructed by converting MAC address of the device into decimal representation, starting from:  .

. = STRING: 0:72:78:df:a:73    (0=0.114=72.120=78.223=df.10=a.115=73)

In translated format it looks like this:

BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'......' = STRING: 0:4:f2:f2:b:1
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'....#.' = STRING: 0:1b:17:0:23:10
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'....#.' = STRING: 0:1b:17:0:23:12
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'.rx..s' = STRING: 0:72:78:df:a:73
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'.rx.<.' = STRING: 0:72:78:df:3c:8c
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'()....' = STRING: 28:29:86:a:c6:6
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'4V..ip' = STRING: 34:56:fe:1c:69:70
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'4V..i.' = STRING: 34:56:fe:1c:69:a3
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'d..IGG' = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:47:47
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'d..IHp' = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:48:70
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'d..IMY' = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:4d:59
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'p.Oz..' = STRING: 70:b:4f:7a:5:10
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'...4..' = STRING: e0:cb:bc:34:e:99
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'..m...' = STRING: e8:98:6d:3:16:0
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'..m...' = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:0
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'..m...' = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:10
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'..m...' = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:12

Going back to non-translated variant, the interfaces the devices are connected to are specified like this:

. = INTEGER: 14
. = INTEGER: 13
. = INTEGER: 38
. = INTEGER: 51
. = INTEGER: 51
. = INTEGER: 21
. = INTEGER: 17
. = INTEGER: 19
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 31
. = INTEGER: 42
. = INTEGER: 41
. = INTEGER: 43
. = INTEGER: 39

INTEGER:42 means Port 42.

Please, advice if .def file can even be created in such a way that connected devices can be then consumed into the database.

Thanks a lot for help.

Installation / Re: Date in NeDi is 15 days in the future
« on: March 05, 2019, 06:56:27 pm »
Thank you, Rickli.  Updated date and time representation in my profile.  Worked like a charm.

Discovery / Re: Support of Meraki Switches
« on: March 05, 2019, 05:25:06 pm »

Is there a way to generate .def file from MIB file? Information: https://mibs.observium.org/mib/MERAKI-CLOUD-CONTROLLER-MIB/https://circitor.fr/Mibs/Html/M/MERAKI-CLOUD-CONTROLLER-MIB.php.  Could not upload the actual .mib file.

Installation / Re: Date in NeDi is 15 days in the future
« on: March 05, 2019, 03:46:20 pm »
Shame on me.  I am so used to American date format.  4.Mar 19  I thought it was "March 19".  Never mind the "4.".... Too much coffee. 

My apologies and thank you for your response.

Discovery / Re: Support of Meraki Switches
« on: March 05, 2019, 03:41:47 pm »

Would you, kindly, provide a link to Youtube video you mentioned?  I did not find it.  I will greatly appreciate that.

Thank you very much for your reply.

Installation / Date in NeDi is 15 days in the future
« on: March 04, 2019, 03:11:27 pm »
Hello, NeDi experts

For some reason NeDi does not utilize system's date.  I am running NeDi on Ubuntu server.  The system's date is correct, but the date in NeDi is about 15 days in the future.  Exmple:

Date: Mon Mar  4
Date in NeDi: Mar 19

Is there a configuration file, which I can tweak to fix the date?

Thank you!

Discovery / Support of Meraki Switches
« on: March 04, 2019, 01:47:15 pm »
Hello, NeDi community.

Has anyone been successful in recognizing nodes connected to Meraki switches?  I can see that the switches are being polled via SNMP properly.  However, nothing connected to those switches end up in the database.  Any help will be highly appreciated.

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