« on: March 05, 2019, 07:37:56 pm »
NeDi Gurus,
Could any of yo help me creating the .def file from the attached snmpwalk outputs (snmpwalk_meraki.txt - with translated OIDs and snmpwalk_meraki2.txt - with non-translated OIDs)?
I tried to do it via defgen screen, but it did not work. I am trying to build it by comparing the structure of existing .def files with the outputs of snmpwalk.
However, in the structure of .def file I did not find how to define OIDs to look for MAC addresses of connected devices.
In the attached files the connected devices can be found by polling following OIDs:
. = STRING: 0:4:f2:f2:b:1
. = STRING: 0:1b:17:0:23:10
. = STRING: 0:1b:17:0:23:12
. = STRING: 0:72:78:df:a:73
. = STRING: 0:72:78:df:3c:8c
. = STRING: 28:29:86:a:c6:6
. = STRING: 34:56:fe:1c:69:70
. = STRING: 34:56:fe:1c:69:a3
. = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:47:47
. = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:48:70
. = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:4d:59
. = STRING: 70:b:4f:7a:5:10
. = STRING: e0:cb:bc:34:e:99
. = STRING: e8:98:6d:3:16:0
. = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:0
. = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:10
. = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:12
As you can see the OIDs are constructed by converting MAC address of the device into decimal representation, starting from: .
. = STRING: 0:72:78:df:a:73 (0=0.114=72.120=78.223=df.10=a.115=73)
In translated format it looks like this:
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'......' = STRING: 0:4:f2:f2:b:1
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'....#.' = STRING: 0:1b:17:0:23:10
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'....#.' = STRING: 0:1b:17:0:23:12
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'.rx..s' = STRING: 0:72:78:df:a:73
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'.rx.<.' = STRING: 0:72:78:df:3c:8c
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'()....' = STRING: 28:29:86:a:c6:6
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'4V..ip' = STRING: 34:56:fe:1c:69:70
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'4V..i.' = STRING: 34:56:fe:1c:69:a3
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'d..IGG' = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:47:47
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'d..IHp' = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:48:70
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'d..IMY' = STRING: 64:16:7f:49:4d:59
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'p.Oz..' = STRING: 70:b:4f:7a:5:10
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'...4..' = STRING: e0:cb:bc:34:e:99
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'..m...' = STRING: e8:98:6d:3:16:0
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'..m...' = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:0
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'..m...' = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:10
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dTpFdbAddress.'..m...' = STRING: e8:98:6d:19:3:12
Going back to non-translated variant, the interfaces the devices are connected to are specified like this:
. = INTEGER: 14
. = INTEGER: 13
. = INTEGER: 38
. = INTEGER: 51
. = INTEGER: 51
. = INTEGER: 21
. = INTEGER: 17
. = INTEGER: 19
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 31
. = INTEGER: 42
. = INTEGER: 41
. = INTEGER: 43
. = INTEGER: 39
INTEGER:42 means Port 42.
Please, advice if .def file can even be created in such a way that connected devices can be then consumed into the database.
Thanks a lot for help.