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Messages - peter.minicka

Pages: [1]
Discovery / Re: Problems with arpwatch in NeDi 1.6: solved?
« on: December 05, 2017, 05:15:12 pm »
Thank you for your great work! Makes my life much easier!

Discovery / Problems with arpwatch in NeDi 1.6: solved?
« on: December 05, 2017, 01:22:04 pm »
After running following command:

./nedi.pl -N arpwatch

I've received following error:

DBD::mysql::db selectall_arrayref failed: Table 'nedi.dns0' doesn't exist at ./inc/libdb.pm line 2002.
DBD::mysql::db selectall_arrayref failed: Table 'nedi.dns0' doesn't exist at ./inc/libdb.pm line 2002.

To solve this error I changed line 1872 in ./inc/libmisc.pm from

Code: [Select]
if($amc{$mc}{'name'} and $main::opt{'N'} !~ /-iponly$/){ db::WriteDNS($amc{$mc}{'ip'},0,0,$amc{$mc}{'name'}) }

Code: [Select]
if($amc{$mc}{'name'} and $main::opt{'N'} !~ /-iponly$/){ db::WriteDNS($amc{$mc}{'ip'},'',0,$amc{$mc}{'name'}) }
Is there a better solution?

Greetings Peter

Pages: [1]